
How I left my amazing paying corporate job to focus on myself and discover what I’m truly meant to do in life


Where do I even start… Lets go back 20 some years to when I was a teenager.  The first job I ever had was babysitting kids.  I found an instant ability to connect with them, and found teaching them new things very rewarding.  So, when college came around, I naturally went to school to be a teacher.  After student teaching, I started second-guessing my decision.  I really wanted to move to the city of Chicago, and did not want to teach in the public school system- I also dreamed of what it would be like to make money.  I found a recruiter, went on a couple of interviews, and failed miserably.  I did not know a ton about interviewing in the corporate world, and I didn’t have a business degree, so several companies passed me up.  I started to get discouraged and feeling really down on myself.  Just as I was about to give up trying, my friend mentioned she knew a manager at a well-known company out by O’Hare airport, and that she could get me an interview.  I really wanted to get a job in the city, but decided to go on the interview anyway.  I was offered a job on the spot, and decided to take it without knowing much on what the job was- I was just excited to have an offer.  I spent my first few weeks training and shadowing others- I didn’t know a ton about sales, but I thought I could do anything I put my mind to.  It was not easy at first- I would go home crying every night because I was so uncomfortable and had no clue how I would make my first sale.  Luckily the first sale came, then the second, and they kept on coming.  The paychecks started to roll in, and I was able to move out of my parents house.  I moved to the city to my dream neighborhood in an amazing apartment.  I made the company’s sales incentive trip to the Bahamas my first year in the role, which was not easy to do.  I was flying high and felt so accomplished that I had figured it out.  I’ll never forget the car ride to the airport on my way to the Bahamas- I had decided to bring my best friend who had gotten me the job, and my dad was nice enough to drive us.  I was so proud, I said, “can you believe I’m 24, living on my own, and going on my company’s president’s club trip to the Bahamas?!”  My witty dad replied, “and your dad is driving you to the airport, and you are bringing one of your girl friends.”  You can always count on your parents to bring you back to reality!  Fast-forward 9.5 years, I had been on 5 presidents club trips (all scrambling to find a guest to bring because I didn’t allow time to date seriously), and held 6 different roles (all with more money and more responsibility).

Where I am Today

Throughout the past 9.5 years I have met some of amazing people, learned a ton about what it takes to be successful in the business world, built up an impressive resume, and made some great money.  You could say life has been great, but with my 33rd Birthday quickly approaching, I have taken some time to reflect where I am today and what I want out of life.  I have come to the realization that I have been going through the motions and life has been great to me, but I want to start making decisions about my path.  To do that, I know I needed to make big changes to get out of my daily routine.  So, I woke up on the morning of August 3rd and gave notice that I would be leaving my job. It was one of the most emotional days of my life, and I second-guessed myself several times, but I did it.  I made the decision, and there is no turning back.  August 31st I will officially leave the workforce and enter the world of unknown.  I don’t have a plan for the first time in my life.

About this Blog

now what? I quit my corporate job. I own a place in the city.  I have a car lease.  I have been living a lifestyle of not worrying too much about money.  But, I have been saving. This blog will follow me through my scary journey of learning more about myself through traveling the world, trying new things, budgeting my money, and for the first time being outside of my comfort zone completely.  I can’t promise there will be a happy ending, but I can promise that this will be a true and raw account of my journey.  If I can inspire even one person to start living life to it’s fullest through my writing, I will have found this to be a success.

17 thoughts on “About

    1. Thanks so much Lindsay! Your and Jeff’s travels/story definitely inspired me and gave me the courage to take the leap. Now that you are traveling in the states, I may hit you up as I plan more travels- I absolutely loved Peru and would love to do more traveling in South America.


  1. Love you Davis!
    I love what you wrote and I think it was a brave and honest choice. So happy for you that you’re following your heart and living life to the fullest. That is inspirational itself. Love you and cannot wait to hear about your journey. Love, Mo


  2. Your story was shared by a friend at work, Rudy! While I don’t know you, I am quite impressed by your desire and courage to “find your arrow”. You have been very blessed in your young life and I encourage you to do what your Heart Desires! … Carpe diem!


  3. Wow! I am so proud of you! now I know what you have been up to!! How in the world can you be 33 and so amazing. Blessed that you were part of my kids lives. I know a few people who have done what you have done – that I would love to connect you with. As someone who has gone from “riches to rags” – I can truly say money doesn’t buy happiness. Kudos to you for following your heart. I just turned 50 and while i’m nowhere near wear I thought i would be professionally – I know myself and what’s important in life and surround myself with only those that are supportive.


    1. Thanks so much for the support Michelle- I was always so inspired by what a great relationship you had with your kids- based on FB, it looks like nothing has changed 🙂 It’s helpful to hear I’m not the only one who has done something like this. I’d love to hear from others!! My email address is katie.davis3836@gmail.com, or feel free to have others connect with me on here. I would love to get coffee with you next time I’m in the burbs or you are in the city.


  4. Love this Davis! I can’t wait to follow your journey. I know you will find something meaningful in the coming months to do. I hope you continue to inspire others through your journey. You’re so brave, and I’m proud to call you my friend!


  5. I’m so impressed with you, and I hope that we Citrin’s, Betty, Jay, Caitlyn and Ari, your cousins, will get to meet you soon. The last time I tried, I backed out of a February trip to Chicago!! Just ask your Mom.


  6. Wow Katie! I am so proud of you. Something I don’t think I could ever do, but so proud of you that you have been able to have the strength to do this. You will never be able to say what if. You can say, “I did it with confidence!” You go Katie!


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